Henry Cavill surprised his fans when he posted on his Instagram that he’s returning to DCEU as Superman, the actor just recently made a cameo on Black Adam to play our favorite superhero Superman, but we the didn’t know it was a tipoff for was to come, so it came as a surprise to us to when he posted a picture of him decked up in the Superman costume, in his caption, the Avenger star said the picture is small taste of what is coming our way, he thanked his fans for waiting patiently for his return.
He later did a video of him expressing his gratitude to his fan, he wanted to wait a little bit for his fan to watch his cameo on Black Adam before making the announcement of his return, but he was eager to let his fan hear of the good news, he said his appearance in black is just a drop in the compare to what is coming, he gave his thanks again for their support and for standing by him, he thanked his family and friends “your patience will be rewarded” he wrote in his caption.

In an interview with Dewayne Johnson at the premiere of his new movie Black Adam, he talked the new dimension the Dc Universe is going towards, he said main goal of them developing Black Adam was to build a new DC Universe. In the movie five new superhero that’ve never been seen before were introduced, DC Universe is starting to put their audience first and listening to their voice. In the movie, Black Adam was said to be the new most powerful and unbeatable force in the universe. The passionate DC Universe only have one question for them, the unstoppable and most powerful force in the universe can be found where? The fans are curious to know.
When the Jumanji actor was asked about the return of Henry as superman and his thought on it. He only have one thing to say, which is a welcome because DC is the home of superman. Superman was last seen in Justice League in 2017, the process of Cavill return to play his former role was long but it was a happy news we got at the end of it.
Dewayne said the reason why the return of superman was first seen in Black Adam was because Superman is one of the most superhero in the DC Universe, so as Black Adan is all about the fans and what they want, they had to bring in the most loved character by the fans. Dewayne continued, he said as much as the new characters need to be introduced for the new era, the old ones can’t be left out, because the new era is for the fan, so are listening to their voice.
When asked if he has any plan for new film with Black Adam, the actor said everything depends on the fans now.